The Whole Song
A Time for Recitation
Now it is the Animal Hour
Now that I've translated the entire song "Tempus Adest Floridum", I've brought it all together. I also made some improvements to the last two verses to get them to better fit the song's meter, and I think that it came out rather nicely. Here's how I'm going to pledge my complete translation to the ages:
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The Whole Song
"The time for flowers now is come, for the flowers now arise.
All things now are of the spring, nature's likeness is in all eyes.
This which winter once had attacked, has regained its fire;
We all see winter's weeping, since spring has perspired.
"The meadows are full of flowers now, as they start appearing.
These are brought where all may see, plants their pleasure bringing,
Grasses, shoots both rising through, making winter turn in.
Spring growing stronger in due time, bringing renewed bird din.
"This lovely creation shows your fullness, oh God,
to whom we entrust all deeds whether they be bare or shod.
O time therefore of great joy, pleasing all by laughter,
Now we pray you renew the world fill our souls to the rafters.
"The earth is filled by flowers now, and with much beauty,
Death and love we now do dignify absolutely.
Thus we now in this season most pleasing rejoice,
With praise and laud of the lord with our heart's voice."
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A Time for Recitation
And here's a version that I wouldn't mind the ages getting a hold of, but really have no strong feelings either way:
And with that, "Tempus Adest Floridum" is complete.
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Now it is the Animal Hour
Now, it's my intention to work on mostly medieval Latin on this blog and with that in mind I've decided to move on to an entry from Isidore of Seville's Etymologiae.
The Etymologiae is the medieval world's Wikipedia, essentially, an encyclopedia covering all fathomable topics.
Of course, Isidore didn't write it, but he did compile it - much like how the first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary wasn't written by a single person or even a small group, but was an effort of an entire mass sending in slips of paper with words and meanings and uses.
Because medieval bestiaries are often great fun, I'll be translating a passage about an animal. Which animal, however, I'll leave a mystery until next week.
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If you want to compliment my reciting voice, perhaps make a special request, or just drop a line, feel free to do so in the comments.
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